Heading to that dark place
I'm Spiraling into that dark place again.
Where do I go, what do I do.
Same Shit Different day.
Theres a voice in my head thats telling me to go home, what for?
To my family Im a breed apart.
To my wife I'm just there, a room mate, she says she loves me.
I know shes not physically attracted to me.
Always some reason, and I wind up masturbating in the shower again.
There was a time where we couldn't keep our hands off of each other.
Does she want me, or the figment of my soul that once was.
Im going in circles, just a dumb country boy in the big city.
The constant noise drowning out the voices in my head.
Making me bland and flaccid.
Too chicken shit to make a decision either way, watching every thing fall apart, and swirl down the bowl.
The pain of staying is as great as the pain of leaving
Where do I go, what do I do.
Same Shit Different day.
Theres a voice in my head thats telling me to go home, what for?
Some one once said " No matter where you go there you are".
I Feel overwhelmed, with no release at all.
D. Casabonne (c) 10.11.2023 All Rights Reserved
Heading to that dark place
I'm Spiraling into that dark place again.
Where do I go, what do I do.
Same Shit Different day.
Theres a voice in my head thats telling me to go home, what for?
To my family Im a breed apart.
To my wife I'm just there, a room mate, she says she loves me.
I know shes not physically attracted to me.
Always some reason, and I wind up masturbating in the shower again.
There was a time where we couldn't keep our hands off of each other.
Does she want me, or the figment of my soul that once was.
Im going in circles, just a dumb country boy in the big city.
The constant noise drowning out the voices in my head.
Making me bland and flaccid.
Too chicken shit to make a decision either way, watching every thing fall apart, and swirl down the bowl.
The pain of staying is as great as the pain of leaving
Where do I go, what do I do.
Same Shit Different day.
Theres a voice in my head thats telling me
to go home, what for?
Some one once said " No matter where you go there you are".
I Feel overwhelmed, with no release at all.
D. Casabonne (c) 10.11.2023 All Rights Reserved
TRUMPISM The new Jacobite uprising
IN 1745 Prince Charles Edward Stuart with the help of the Scottish Clans led a rebellion
against the English monarchy. They were fighting for the dissolution of the
union of the crowns of Scotland and England. With the help of the French
Monarchy the "Jacobite’s" were trying to regain the English throne for James
Francis Edward Stuart. Sadly, this rebellion ended on the Moors of Culloden
on April 16th, 1746. Charles Edward Stuart and his army were soundly defeated
by the British Military.
The prince felt that it was by divine right, Gods will, that his father James
Francis Edward Stuart rule over the British Empire.
Does this sound familiar? It should.
The far Right has proclaimed former [1]president (Twice impeached, Thrice Indicted, Convicted Sexual offender)
Donald Trump the Savior of our Nation. That it is by divine right, Gods will that he be the leader of
the Free world.
Prince Charles Edward Stuart had almost the same aspirations for his father.
He also had the ear of Pope Benedict XIV and the Catholic Church in Rome
The former [1]president has the ear of the Evangelical church, its pastors, and parishioners.
His Jacobite followers (Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Bobert, Matt Gaetz) have fomented
what they call a national divorce. The former [1]president was soundly defeated in a fair and free
election, Of the People by the People and for the People. Yet he and his Jacobite’s continue to
spew, lies, half-truths and falsehoods. They engage in conspiracy, revenge, and repugnant
behavior. His Jacobite politicians have, taken away women’s rights to control their own bodies.
Gerrymandered voting districts to make it harder for people to vote.
Refused to pass common sense gun laws, to stop the tide of mass shootings
Censured and threatened politicians and private citizens that do not share their views
Ideology or fit into their narrative.
The former [1]president has aligned himself with Nation States (Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia)
that commit atrocities against other countries and their own people, and he thinks their great People.
Our founding fathers are probably rolling over in their graves!!
I know that we have some serious problems, I don't know what the answers are to the problems
we face as a nation and World. If we as a society of HUMAN BEINGS don’t change, wake up from
the nightmare, and do what we know is right, then we deserve the consequences of our inaction.
We as a society need to sit down and have a conversation, to try to remedy what ails us all.
If we don't find a solution, the path we are headed down will be the death of this nation.
[1]The title former president is in lower case, disrespectfully
D.Casabonne 07.25.2023 (c) All Rights Reserved
J'ai grandi dans une petite ville.
Étés chauds, hivers froids.
Beaucoup d'amis, certains plus que d'autres
La première fois que j'ai eu peur, c'est devenu plus facile.
Personne ne pouvait savoir, notre secret.
Le temps a passé, je regarde ces jours.
Je me demandais pourquoi je ne pouvais tout simplement pas être,
qui j'étais.
J'ai toujours ces désirs au fond.
Je n'ai pas allumé cette flamme depuis très longtemps.
Je sais ce que je suis et qui je suis.
Dois-je le garder pour moi ou le crier
au monde.
Je suis......
D.Casabonne ( C ) 12.5.2021 Tous droits réservés
I sit here in judgment of myself
The Noblest of men.
Doing noble deeds.
I sit here in judgment of myself.
Wondering what is the price that
I must pay for my folly.
I See nothing but pain and contempt for all that was once considered beautiful.
The places and things that once held magic are now nothing but a useless crutch.
I, now in this season of winter, have I become as contemptuous as those who leave
their foul stench on the soul of humanity.
Do I not lust for all worldly things
but feel the weariness of the world.
Bearing its yoke upon my shoulders.
Do I not yearn to walk in the light but crave the solace of darkness.
All who look into the depth of my heart see only light and goodness.
I have battled the demons that taunt my mortal soul.
I bear the scars of combat
from a war that was never meant to be fought.
The darkness that has touched my spirit has never left.
It lies dormant, like a festering sickness, waiting for an entrance.
A weak moment.
It knows no peace, only the narrow vein that it draws its existence from
It is now a quest to the finish.
A duel that begins and ends
in the same place.
Following the path of the sun.
Doing noble deeds.
The Noblest of men.
Wondering what is the price that
I must pay for my folly.
I sit here in judgment of myself.
D.Casabonne(C) 01.03.2022 All Rights Reserved
Time is getting short
I had this feeling,
Time is getting short.
I may never see the green of my mountains again.
Walk in the cool green of her lush forests.
Walk in the waters of her crystal streams.
Standing on the precipice of a spire looking out
over the rivers stream and lakes.
That held so much magic when I was young.
I remember looking with wonderment at a snow covered peak.
Marveling at the change of the seasons.
Remembering the cool spring days.
Watching the sunrise, dreaming of days far away.
Always knowing, this is home.
I may leave it, but it will never leave me.
So now the sun goes down on another day.
Standing on the precipice of a spire looking out.
Watching the sunset, dreaming of days far away.
I may never see the green of my Mountains again.
Walk in the waters of her crystal streams.
Walk in the cool green of her lush forests.
That held so much magic when I was young.
I had this feeling,
Time is getting short.
D.Casabonne ( C ) 01.06.2022 All Rights Reserved
How can you be an angel when you feel like the devil
Why am I so full of self-doubt.
Is this arrogance in reverse?
I feel conflicted and torn up inside.
I look at the world around me.
Some days I see darkness
Some days I see light.
The other day I saw a Nun loading groceries
into her car.
I helped her, she said I was an angel.
How can you be an angel when you feel like the devil.
She smiled and waved as she pulled away in her car.
Somebody turn on a light.
I can’t feel in the Darkness.
The awkward randomness of the shadows.
The minutes in limbo, that seem like days.
Where is my Muse, my pithy riposte.
Why am I walking around in orbits.
Am I trying to become star or am I just a bolide that’s fallen to the earth.
Again, I ask
How can you be an angel when you feel like the devil.
D.Casabonne (C ) 12 /19/2021 All Rights Reserved
Defeat was my greatest defense
I remember the things that my father taught me,
and all the things that I learned from him.
I never thought I wanted to be like he was.
I always wanted to be someone else.
I wanted all his wisdom, but I had no patience.
I wanted all his ethics, but I had no morals.
I wanted all his talent, but I had no knowledge.
He helped so many and was a man of his word.
He tried to teach me, the value of hard work and honesty.
I fell into sloth, deceit, and darkness.
I looked at myself with contempt, a parasite, a pariah.
I had become the monster of nightmares and pain
…. I was walking death.
I had done things, that should have had me locked up in chains,
awakened a demon that knows no peace, that lies dormant like a festering sickness.
I was beaten, defeated, I knew only darkness, a shadow walking through the trees.
Through time I found a greater wisdom, A paradox.
I was no longer my own God, demon, Judas, defeat was my greatest defense.
The mercy of surrender gave me hope.
No longer akin to darkness and shadow, I could be everything that he once was.
I looked in the mirror, and the monster was gone.
David Casabonne (C) 12.30.2021 All rights reserved
La bataille du cœur fait rage de sa propre volonté.
Ne prêtant attention que brièvement au chagrin maintes et maintes fois.
Errant sans but à la recherche de son compagnon.
Traverser de grandes distances, retrouver l'ivresse de la passion.
Connaissant sa joie et sa douleur.
Les âmes plus courageuses n'ont connu aucune bataille aussi féroce que celle d'un amour qui triomphe de toutes les intrusions sur son chemin.
On pleure d'amour quand on n'en a pas.
Rêver de ce jardin, dans toute sa beauté.
Se prélassant au clair de lune, sa touche gentille.
A quoi bon les lèvres, si elles n'ont personne à embrasser ?
A quoi servent les armes, s'ils n'ont personne à tenir.
A quoi bon les yeux s'ils n'ont personne vers qui se tourner, ou chercher.
A quoi sert un cœur, quand il ne sera que brisé.
Vous pleurez les chagrins d'amour.
La douleur exquise de l'amour brisé.
Magnifiquement parfait dans sa douleur.
Il est temps de déployer vos ailes et de voler.
Comment volez-vous avec une aile cassée.
Au soleil du matin, je sens la chaleur du nouveau jour.
C'est vide et creux, parce que tu n'es pas là depuis si longtemps.
Les espaces vides dans les conversations
grandir plus longtemps.
Les moments de silence gênants à la recherche de quelque chose à dire.
Distance dans chaque mot et chaque ligne.
Le temps est la montée et la chute du soleil
Dans le vert et l'or de l'été.
Toutes les pièces manquantes.
Tous vos lendemains vous attendent
Mais le rêve est creux et vide
pour tous tes désirs.
Dans tes derniers jours, après
le chemin du soleil.
Les champs sont devenus gris d'hiver.
La forêt a perdu son vert.
Quand le jour tombe.
Tout est dit et fait.
Les ténèbres couvrent le monde.
La fin est venue.
Quand tout ce qui était divisé a été rendu.
Magnifiquement parfait dans sa douleur.
Pourtant, vous ne vous êtes jamais senti aussi vivant.
Las dans tes pas
Combien de couchers de soleil y a-t-il eu
depuis que tu m'as laissé derrière.
Combien de levers de soleil solitaires avez-vous vus.
As-tu atteint pour moi
et n'a trouvé que des larmes.
Au fur et à mesure que les saisons s'effacent les unes après les autres.
Vert à rouge or et jaune à blanc.
Respirant un gros soupir à la fin de la journée.
Regarder le soleil se coucher.
Les saisons passent si vite,
comme des rêves perdus.
Un gouffre dans le cœur et l'âme.
Un feu brûlant, aspergé de cendres fumantes.
D.Casabonne ( C ) 12.1.2021 Tous droits réservés
Ne pas vouloir être n’importe où
Qu'est-ce que je ressens
pensées confuses.
Une plaie rouverte
refusant de guérir.
Je me promène comme un fantôme
maussade et vide.
Ne pas prononcer un mot
à moins de parler.
Ne pas vouloir être
Je pense à marcher seul
sur une plage au lever du soleil.
En regardant l'océan infini
se sentir petit.
Traversant les feuilles d'automne
sur un sentier forestier.
Mon esprit vagabonde.
Refuser de guérir
une plaie s'est rouverte.
Pensées confuses
qu'est-ce que je ressens
maussade et vide
Je me promène comme un fantôme
Ne pas vouloir être
D.Casabonne ( C ) 12.07.2021 Tous droits réservés