Sun Dial
If I were to turn back time, turn back time.
If I weren't to undermine, undermine.
I live in a world - a world with no right or wrong, where is the right?
I live in a planet - a planet where there is strife, why is there strife?
Somethings are meant to be out of sort; somethings are meant to make your head hurt.
If I were to turn back time,
Would the sun dial still shine?
If I were to make things right,
Would your heart still let in light?
If i were to turn back time...
The desiccate landscape beheld pulchritude, though its captives felt differently. There was naught but pure abhorrence reflecting off of the czar's heart.
"When will it be over Mommy?" a young boy beseeched as he trudged along with the rest of the mourning citizens.
It had been three, insidious weeks since the painful inauguration. Living in a city with less than one thousand adults has its ups and downs. For example, the scenic landscape is always a rewarding way to end a dragging day in the desert. Though, our rural population will allow any person who stands for gun rights be mayor. They didn't muse much when they voted for HIM.
HE smuggled civilians behind the liquor store and tormented them. The boy witnessing the miserable acts and grimaced. He accepted that he was next; the youth was no more than a toddler. His mother's hand departed from his as she was taken away.
No one could spot or hear the mother's holler, for it was fifty miles to the nearest village.
The boy stood there, jaw dropped, and tears jetting down his morose visage.
No one would be able to hear in the arroyo.
All because of HIM.
Catastrophe of a Lifetime
I wear a million
Blankets to keep me warm, though I
Have the grass as home.
The fever has got Mom
She'll last no more than a day
Her veins bulge like stones
Pencils thrown away
Computers dominate us
They ruin culture
My feet are growing
I though have shrunk one half inch
My hearts learns each day
Today we're a mess
Rather should I say confused?
Words create bruises
Someone new stepped in-
Side my house without a word
He is my brother
No one is ready
What will come next is brutal
It's the genocide
Waters toss updown
Sforzando and spiccato
All articulation
In those blue waters,
Are mighty, broad, blue mountains.
Avalanches on fish
Gales keep me cold
Mom will stay until tonight
She'll put up a fight
Though I can't stay warm
These blankets bring much comfort
Distress is lifted
On The Corner of Disaster and Dead End
There was no one on our block, for at least four miles on both sides. You see, living in Wyoming can be awfully lonely, and honestly, I don't know why my pa wanted us to move out here so badly. I had no business with these coyotes, and they better not have any issues with me.
As I crossed the bridge over to the marsh, I couldn't help but wonder what was over those snow-capped mountains. They looked mysterious and enticing, as if they were calling my name,
"Weston! Weston!" I kept walking towards there and kept my eyes on the ground; there were too many holes that were trying to trip me.
The sounds that were in my head became louder and louder until I knew I was not alone.
"Weston! Just a little bit further!" This was real. It might be God, and I might be in Heaven.
I looked up and was there, where Ol' Man Chessner died four years ago in a climbing accident. X marks the spot. An endless hole, black as coal, was right before my eyes. The kids I met when I went to Jackson Hole told me that he was nothing but a heartless crook who ate children for breakfast, but I'm ten and I know that they might be exaggerating just a bit.
"Just a bit closer." The voice said again. My eyes were up now, because I didn't want to miss the opportunity to figure out who this was. "Almost there, just one more step and..."
I fell straight into that black pit and had some air time. This was not the good air time though. I was falling for what seemed like days until, THUD! I hit solid permafrost, and I grunted. This was not the way I wanted to escape my loneliness.
"Who goes there?" A voice squeaked.
I looked up and there was a slim, stringy figure with one eye missing.
Ol' Man Chessner!
The coyotes howled louder with a crescendo like no other. He had died four years ago, so how could this be? I couldn't climb back out. Not if there were a ladder; it'd be too far to climb.
"Please don't eat me!" I screamed at him. Those rumors might have been accurate, and I was as scared as a rabbit would be if he were to see a bear.
The old man just chuckled and came closer in. This was it.