Endless sea of WIPs
For the past few years, I've been toying around with a medieval story involving a character who I've dubbed "Star Kid;" an astrologist who helps the main character on his journey. I actually sat down and started writing it about a month ago, but lately I've just been stuck. I just can't figure out how to further the storyline. Also, I can't figure out an actual name for "Star Kid." I can't seem to find a Irish/Scottish/English name that means "doomed" or even just "intelligent." If any more expierenced writers have advice, I'd love to hear it!
Ramblings of a Lost boy I
I've been chasing, running, chasing something all my life. A something that always escapes me. Forever out running me, taunting me just outside my reach. Everytime I think I've caught up, and captured it, to bottle up and keep as mine own, it again eludes me. Cunning and ever fleeting. I already know, however, that it is not mine to keep, I have only stolen moments of solace. Yet I continue to give chase. Just one more moment. What is this that I crave, need? This force that drives me. Pushing me relentlessly, endlessly. Its an endless game, forever lost. If only I could identify my opponent. The part of myself that went missing and ran away.
Boys vs. Girls
Boys: "Use a condom. You don't know if she's on the pill or really a slut. But I need to meet this girl first before you stick your dick in them. Its a boy? You bottom? Well, make sure they use a condom still. STDs are disgusting."
Girls: "Don't even think about it. It costs money to have sex for us women. Condoms, birth control... Money. And them when you do lose it-- doctors visits to make sure you're clean. Pap smears. OB/GYN. Its big business when girls have sex. Now, if you're gay, that's slightly different. Just don't do anything you know you'll regret later."
Both: "Stay safe. It's a big world out there and, although it might be fun and games at first, it can result in serious issues that you may deal with later. I love you. Talk to me any time you have more questions."
Dear Son, Love Mom, and Dad
"Son, the reason I want to talk to you is that it is time you know about life and about people. You are thirty years old and have been a great disappointment to me and your mother. She blames me every time she looks at you.
She says, 'How could you do that to me.' Referring to you.
I know that you have not been with many women, or for that fact any women, but it's time you know what not to do. That stuff you watch on the Internet is fake. They really don't love the guy. It's a show, which brings me up to another subject. I can't pay those charges on those sites you visit anymore, you're going to have to get a job and a credit card under your own name. Sorry son.
You need to be a little more responsible if you want to meet a woman and have a physical relationship. Selling recycled cell phone batteries on CraigsList doesn't really count. In order to help you out, your mother has left me and I had to sell the house. We kept it a secret from you as long as we could, but tomorrow the moving men are coming. To make things easier for your soon to be divorced parents I will take you to Chipolte. It's the one about 60 miles from here. I've found a place for you and have paid the first and last months rent, plus I'm giving you $750 cash. To get you started.
What's that? No, I'm not giving you a computer. You'll just have to go out into the real world and meet someone. God save them, whoever they are.
Rather than sleep in your bed tonight, why don't you go out and sleep in the car. You know, just to get used to a new lifestyle. We love you son and I hope that this talk has been useful and educational. Just remember, if you ever grow up, don't have children. You know where they come from, don't you?"
"Run like the end is behind you because I'm behind you."
-Logan Paris
This was meant as a joke, but the catchphrase stick with Logan the rest of his life. When the members of PL7 wanted to see what the others mottoes were, Logan made this one. Have fun having this one stuck in your head. lol