Speculations whisper, her smile of fire,
Obtaining whatever and whoever she wants,
Like a siren luring in sailors to their demise,
Her heart sharper than a throwing star,
An air of uncertainty surrounds her,
Like she's not human,
Men are smitten for this woman,
Hearing the sweetness of her tone,
But not the harshness of her words,
The act is hard to not fall for,
One truth and two lies,
She has no origin,
Her only purpose,
To deceive.
The leaves
they must go
that their time
has come
to an end
to fiery death
as one compressed
and they blush
while Life
is drained
from the face...
from the dry wrinkled
stem and veins
that in old age
still caress
the sodden
of the Earth
for final place
of rest...
to compost
with the
colors in the
of the Universe.
Myth leaves-color challenge @Ola_8
Something in the Silence Breaks
Here i am, she said.
Here i am,
Here i am.
The things i want
are not the things
i get.
But there is no thought of
I can complete
so there is nothing
for me
(there has been everything for me)
The want i once had
is now a void.
I wanted feelings
and lives
to blend with my own.
But I cannot touch
what is invisible
to me now.
The lives that went
i cannot reach
cannot feel
cannot sense.
I turn and
try to see
where no sight
in a darkness that
renders me blind,
a mystery that makes
no sense.
Maybe our Souls
continue to exist,
and you are here right
next to me
but I am just
unable to see
the bliss.
And so I hurt and sink
and struggle,
drowning in my ignorance.
All this I do not know,
cannot know ,
this is what must be
The absence of knowledge
the frustration of no hope
a helpless denial
no more roads to seek
the ends of,
No conclusions to be had.
Just the struggle that always there
as I try to have belief
in this Life
which has been granted to me.
I don't understand life.
The way it gives and takes.
The way it bends and breaks.
How it gives you something wonderful.
Something that fills your soul.
It fill you to the brim,
and yet
it then just pushes you down
simply to remind you that
you wont be found
maybe it gives you a person
This person understands you
Loves you
And is as close to perfect as can be
but then it makes you realize
that it will end
not because someone dies
or because time seems to fly
but because it tells you that you aren't worthy of their love
you push people away as it tells you too
it makes you believe that you are unlovable by anyone
because after all
we accept the love we think we deserve.
Phoenix Rising
The moment has come.
Where Becca Waits no longer.
The breath that has been held
like a captive hostage
engulfs the Vital LifeSource
Colors red orange
blue purple
spring exuberantly
into her awed smile,
full of first bliss.
The energy crackles
around her,
and finally it
has become clear.
Becca wrenches herself free
from what has been
her definition for so long,
leaving Becca Waits
in the shambles of
empty nothing
Becca Begins.
The constant fight inside your own mind
The fear of something that isn’t there
The reminder than you are not like others
The struggling to find yourself amongst the constant thoughts
Trying to remember when reality is when society tells you that your wrong
Fighting to be better for others in fear of being rejected
But pushing people away in fear of being hurt
Hiding yourself away so nobody knows who you really are
Looking in the mirror and seeing the monster you have become
It’s a constant struggle that many deal with
Anxiety presents itself in many treacherous ways
The battle in your own mind, exhausting as ever
But still you push on because you have those who rely on you
You put your needs second for the ones that need you
You push your problems in the back of your mind, and try to focus on helping others
You are not alone nor do you need to fight alone
There are those just like you and fight every day
We need to be there for each other just as you are there for others
We need to open up and express the struggle
Not an illness
Not a disease
Not cancer
Not an infection
But in some ways, anxiety can be even more deadly
You fight against an illness and you can beat it
You can battle againt a disease and win
Many battle cancer every day and are applauded when they win
Infections are faught with a healthy body
But anxiety can never be beaten, only weakened. When someone gets better nobody will applaud you, nobody will respect the fight, nobody will even realize it.
Anxiety is a constant battle
Sometimes you are winning the battle and everything seems fine
Sometimes you lose the battle and the world seems to end
But the battle never is won, never over, never quiet.
Anxiety is forever
best of me
she knew she had to fit the mold
Cinderella's glass slipper wasn't pretty anymore
but filled with responsibilities
taking care for oneself is no more a priority, necessity, and convenient
she had something better- Regret
all was lost the prince's palace was hers but not home
a piece was missing maybe shattered who knows
neither did the loved ones nor she knew
her spirit has left
floating somewhere in the blue skies and green meadows
laughing to her heart aches to stomach flips
knowing she is free and never coming back to her body her home
farewell dear one
you were the fire to burn for
power to reckon with
and I let you go
the loss is grave for mine to bear
I here you whispering old friend
I shall rise- I will rise.
I must rise
with a magnifying glass I search for her in my remains
to rise above all despairs
fight again
regain the lost and rebuilt something magnificent
two handed clock
like a double edged sword
the clock has two hands
one points towards freedom
the other towards the damned.
with each tick you gain knowledge,
maturity and skill
yet behind every new privilege
lurks a new threat.
with every memory made
an old one is lost,
death rusts your joints
and fills the cracks in your back
every common cold begins to reek of decay
mundane life runs the risk
of imprisoning you in a world of white walls
alone in a nursing home
because you can no longer be trusted
to have the independence
that you longed for
in your youth.
every clock
has two hands:
one is a key to unlock your cell
and the other is a door
to a new kind of prison.
shoot your questions at the abyss
there is one supreme
blissful presence
it's night time
I'm in my element
Freshly awakened
after a day
of sleep
I'm not a vampire
I only used to wish I
were when
I first started living like
this. What can I say, I
was young and playful
Now I know I'm
worse than a vampire
My grandmother calls
me a blasphemer
God has left day and night
upon this Earth
for work and rest
and I laugh in his face
and piss on his blessing
by using it in
I sleep in the day
and use the time of
night to
wonder and to ask
why he had created me
the beauty of seeking
answers in the
night is
that you don't have
to use your voice
will do
You won't get the
answers, at least I didn't,
but it feels good to
shoot your
questions at the abyss
without being
stared at
Here I go