As I move on into a fleeting future
You stay nailed to the past
To some ideal never meant to last
Why is it so hard to look past?
To see our failures as just that
I scorched you down to your bones
Made your skeleton my home
Let the remnants cage me in
Guaranteed we would never be again
This cage of guilt I've built for me sings of what I never hope to be
A monster, a disease
You were always better off without me
If me loving someone else is what it took for you to see
If this is what it took for you to hate me
I am happy
I confess to you my sins
The atrocities I gave to him
So you can see I was not always human
There you sit comforting me
You got the house he tried to build
We talk and say how I'm better now
That girl was scared, only trying to survive
Like an abused dog, it was not her fault
Full of guilt and worthlessness
I'm disgusting in my self-loathing
Judging myself too harshly
Perhaps I will always be human to you
Monster to him
Rage birthed from passion
Exploding through my skin like gas pipes in a building too old to withstand
Waves rattle through my bones
Perfectly in sync
Each wave growing upon the last
It is in the failing resistance of my bones that I will crash
Tobble down like Lincoln logs
Cursed to rebuild
Crash and rebuild
Crash and rebuild
Less rollercoaster more hurricane
How it washes every trace of me away
The rubble of memories drenched in regret
Shredded by guilt
Is it only the guilty that are powerful?
How I've fallen in love with the acid on my tongue and the fire in my lungs
Fallen in love with the self-loathing that propels me toward better things
The strength in the obscenities
The pain of knowing what has become of me
The monster I used to be
The one that slumbers deep inside of me
A hidden nightmare in my waking dream
There is power in this guilt
And guilt in this power
Often I revel in it
Rather perish by passion than suffocation
Salvation disguised as destruction
Am I villian?
Or merely human?
Is drunk, at the bar, really the best place to catch up on your reading he asks
As if there's any other answer than yes
In a crowded space or my empty apartment
The fields of The Land reach me
Taken through the uncharted
Up and up and up towering mountain peaks
Through caverns and canyons and caves
To the top of the peaks, jagged and rough
Like God himself forgot the usefulness of sandpaper
To see the plains and city and stampede of horses like an eagle above Eden
To watch the Giants sail upon their ships reaching for a home lost a thousand years
The unbelieving forced to believe while others call them denial
The home of rock and stone
Blocked by gates and never yielding guards
Who would give up their very lives in the defense of the Lords
To be affected with such intensity that I must put the story down
Walk away
Tears welling
Heart racing
Cigarette shaking
To think of the loved one who shared this
To understand him in ways I never had
When I come into the bar and you see me with my nose in a book
Yes, this is exactly where I want to be
Boulders balancing precariously
Tracks of iron and will
Placed below here for years they show no fear
Long they have transported across them hopes and dreams, weapons and means to ends
The hands that carved this valley with the help of dynamite and fire
What was it that fueled their will for survival?
The sound of memories rushing below?
Or perhaps what they believed they had at home
The hours and lives buried in this mountain side
Boulders leaning on boulders
Shoulder to shoulder
It's a wonder of physics that they can hold each other
As if they are daring the wind to blow them over
Egging on the bully that they know can't defy them
Strength, obvious
Confidence, passive
They are not afraid of falling
Not anymore than they are sure they won't
Regardless of where they go
They will still be themselves
Scarred and shaped
On top of the mountain
Or drowning in the river
They are unshaken
Whole and home
Love is the most dangerous act
Given as easily as it can be taken back
The way you rolled through me like magma under the earth's crust
You were warm and welcoming in my veins
Lighting on fire each nerve's end
A fire I feigned for
A comfort I yearned for
What would remain if you didn't come through here anymore?
A barren wasteland in the form of a woman
Full of charcoal and smoke
A rainfall of ash settles to the ground now cold
This would be my humble abode
As I sat alone in volcanic snow
I would take note
Of how the time passed slowed
And with it growth
Small trees sprout
Slowly, but surely animals would come and explore about
Make homes where I thought nothing could
I would watch the wasteland become alive again
Mountain springs and roaring rivers
Tall pines perfect for lines of Christmas lights
The fish would jump and bite
Deer and elk would raise their little ones
Bear cubs tussling through tall grass
Who knew the woman I would become after all the destruction we caused
The match you held
The fire I fed
I am not healed but almost
I can taste it on my tongue
I have never been more sure that you do not belong
I do not live for your comfort because I have my own
I have been given a chance
A chance to rebuild
With freedom and strength
I will become exactly who I want
Glide your fingers over my petals
Pay attention to how they fold under your weight
The way they open without my say
Splayed out ready for you to play
Do you see the colors?
How they merge into the stem
Red into orange, yellow, green
This is where my beauty greets the rest of me
Long, straight, strong as my stance may seem
This is not how it's always been
Keep running your fingers down and you will meet my protection
Thorns the size of a finger nail
Meant to stop intruders before they get too far
You may admire the petals
Find comfort within my velvet embrace
If you try and pluck me from my home there will be a price to pay
Blood will run into my soil
Scars will litter your palm
If you wish to love me, love me as I am
Leave me in the garden
Water me with intention
Speak kind words
Take care of me exactly as I am
Thorns and all
Try to change me, prune me, perfect me
I will fall, dead and empty
There's still days where I hurt just as much as the first
Almost a year later and it remains something I can't get over
I watch your friends share memories and smile, laugh, remember
I guess I'm not yet there
Something was torn from me that day
Something that will never return
A love good and pure
A love I still yearn for
So much care
You were always there
Your name like blades across my skin opening wounds with mitch-match stiches
All the times I've tried to sew them shut, without fail they open up
The love you offered was not something I was ready for
I'm still not, but I'm drowning in regret for not giving it a fair shot
I vowed when you passed that I would never love unless they loved me like you did
Took care of me in all the ways I need to be cared for
Ensuring safety and stability
An equal part of this team
Perhaps to find that again, an ignorant dream
I thought I had
Now I'm not so sure
Though pieces of him are good and true
He'll never be you
No one ever could