A Crashed Conversation
We were having a conversation.
We were laughing and enjoying the flow, the rhythm, the symmetry. It seemed to be the right time to talk and vibe. A little too perfect. Then the conversation abruptly stopped.
Silence filled the phone with air. The middle of that conversation had no meaning now. A new conversation starts with fear at the wheel. The question “Are you okay?” floated in the air of concern. A brisk “I’m fine, but someone just hit my car” floated back to set the mood. Now the conversation is nervous and jittery. Last thought but in demand, “I hope you wasn’t driving while talking with me.” A quick answer “No! But I have to hang up now because I have to call the police.” An understanding agreement was reached and the conversation ended.
Book Two: Part 5 - Changing Evil - Chapter 24
Saturday - December 10th - 12:46 p.m.
Semi-Quarter Finals
"With less than forty-five seconds left in the game, Cresthaven has taken their last time out.
"The Pythoner's have the ball and a one-point lead. In the booth with me today is Brian Masters who has covered every regular season game the Pythoner's played to get to this far, and they are now moments away from being in the final four.
"Brian, tell me, what is the drive, the motivation for this team? Prior to this year, I understand they never had a winning season and that the last three years, they never won a game. They were virtually unheard of until now."
"That's true, Bryant. What made this team do a complete 360 is beyond me, but a large part of this has to do with Coach Claymoore. He announced before the season started he would coach one more year and then retire, unless they won the championship, and they have done far more than that. No team in their division has ever rebounded as well as the Pythoner's have. They have possibly the best guards and forwards as you will find anywhere. Granted, they did lose their best shooter due to a broken ankle, Jimmy Kerrigan, but he is on the sidelines, and has been their biggest fan. Of course, the real surprise for this time is Stevie Baker. Just about six months ago, he was in a car accident which took his leg, and after surgery, it was replaced with a bionic leg. Stevie not only learned how to walk again, but also learned how to play basketball. I'm still looking forward to see him playing in the game."
"Brian, at this point, it doesn't appear that that will happen. All they have to do is wind down the clock shot, take a two, and then press Cresthaven as they have the entire game, and it's over."
"Looks that way, Bryant. And it looks like the Pythoner's are putting the ball in play."
"That was Brian Masters. He is a local sports announcer for all of the Pythoner's games.
"The Pythoner's are moving the ball, passing the ball back and forth from Snyder to Phillips to Macklin, and then over to Whittier, and again back to Snyder. Less than three seconds on the shot clock and Snyder shoots, and scores!
"Cresthaven quickly inbounds from Rosenburg to Cramden, who fires the ball on the far-left side of the lane to McMichaels, who takes a jumper for two, and is fouled.
"This isn't good for the Pythoner's. Up by one, and McMichaels gets to shoot three, for two. If he makes both shots, the Pythoner's will have less than eleven seconds to shoot for the win. They miss it, and their fantastic season ends.
"McMichaels made the first one. He's setting up for the second shot and fires it in. Cresthaven has regained the lead! The Pythoner's have no time outs left. Phillips inbounds to Whittier who runs the ball up court, and fires it over to Snyder, but the ball is knocked out of bounds by Hanson. Still Pythoner's ball with 5.7 seconds left.
"The Pythoner's have made a quick substitution. Brian Masters, you have your wish. Stevie Baker has come onto the court as Macklin goes out! We will finally get to see him play, but will he be able to make a difference?
"I, like so many of the fans here, are amazed and stunned by what we are seeing. At 5'6", 145, he’s running on his prosthetic leg. Not nearly as fast as the other players, but well enough to hold his own. Earlier, Brian Masters called it a bionic leg. Either way, Stevie Baker is in the game.
"Snyder inbounds the ball directly to Baker. 4.3 seconds left. Clock is winding down. 2.1 seconds. Baker turns, and shoots! He's firing from three-point range. Unbelievable! He put it in for the win! The Pythoner's win the game and will face off in the final-four tomorrow. The final score; Pythoner's: 78, Cresthaven: 76.
"This is Bryant Andreason for NBC Sports. we will return tomorrow at 5:30 when it will be Smedley-Chester against St. James Academy, and finally, at 7:30, it will be The Montie Pythoner's and last year’s defending champions, Albany-Central, battling it out.
"The winner of the New York State Title will move ahead for the East Coast Championship. The winner will then try to become the United States High School Basketball Champions. No team from New York has ever gotten pass the state title.
"But with what we have seen here today, that all may change. Again, your final: Montie Pythoners defeat Cresthaven High, 78 to 76."
Pete & Jimmy's Pizza Den - 1:45 p.m.
"Before all you kids start in on these pizza's, I just want you all to know how proud I am of each one of you. You have made this old man very happy to have this opportunity to be where you have brought us today. I may have designed the plays, but it took all of you to make them work. No matter what happens from here on out, no one can take away the hard work, the diligence and effort, courage, and determination you have all given.
"Thank you all."
Everyone in attendance, parents, and the team, applauded his words.
"Now dig in! The school budget is buying, they just don't know it yet!"
There was plenty of laughter over that one, and then pizza slices started disappearing into hungry bellies.
Baker and Ed, along with Stevie, were inhaling slice after slice. Baker's fears, for the time being, were put on the back-burner.
More pizza came, along with free drinks and refills. It was a moment remembered.
Baker's cell started buzzing. Habit brought the phone to her ear.
"sweet Janis; so nice to hear your voice. I promise not to keep you long. I know you are in the midst of a celebration."
She clutched Ed's right hand with her left and inhaled sharply.
"What is it this time, Freddy? Or whatever alias you use. You seem to change names like people change socks."
"I only wish to congratulate your son, through you of course. We both know you wouldn't let me speak with him. Tell him for me, his finishing shot was very dramatic, and dynamic."
"You saw him on TV, then."
"No. But let me ask, sweet Janis, did you and that piece of scum you married enjoy the two corn-dogs I sold you in the stands with the extra mustard? Does that tell you where I saw his display of prowess?"
Baker's throat went dry.
"Since you seem lost for words, I will close with a final thought for you to roll around in that pretty little head of yours.
"You are so fucking dead, bitch!
"Enjoy yourself, sweet Janis. Enjoy what holidays you can. They will soon be over with."
The line went dead.
Ed leaned into her ear, so Stevie wouldn't hear. He also didn't want to have to yell above the noise already being made by the team. "It was him, wasn't it?"
Baker nodded her head.
"He was at the game today. He knew what we ordered. He sold it to us. He was a fucking vendor this time."
"If that's the case, I'd be willing to bet he isn't around any longer. When we get back home, we'll start making safety arrangements. The first thing we do is have someone check out our house for any bugs or wireless mics.
"I made a promise, Jan, and I intend to keep it. He won't harm you, or Stevie."
Baker squeezed his hand even tighter this time.
"And I don't want you hurt in the process, either."
"Never happen, Jan. I love you."
Bridgetown Motel - 8:55 p.m.
He had everything he needed for what he would do to Baker, to her husband, and to her kid. He gloated over his now change of plans, but that was part of the fun, part of the worrisome fear he left planted in her head.
He knew he could have gotten any one of them at any time. In any manner. Instead, he decided against waiting any longer, and destroy all of them the second they opened their door. The second they breathed a sigh of relief. The moment they felt absolutely safe.
After all, he is a professional. A power of destruction. With the ability to ruin and wreak havoc among thousands; three would be child's play.
Making certain everything he would need was carefully packed away, covered and well insulated, he checked out of the motel. Formerly Alan Anderson, sales agent for an oil firm, and headed back to Montie.
He had work to do at Baker's townhouse.
Yes, I do.
This is for the first 6 movies.
So, the Rebels are not the good guys, in the Star Wars Universe. In my second time through them, I have notived several things that prove this point.
When the Empire tested the Death Star, they picked a very low-population planet.
The Rebels have random names for their ships, so that people will attack them, whereas the Empire has the Death Star, and the Star Destroyers, that drive people away from the ships.
The Death Star wasn't a high priority endeavour. They had it on hold for something like 10 years. Instead of creating an instrument of death, they took care of their empire.
"The Sith will rule again! And there will be peace." The Rebels took this broadcast, an shortened it to the first bit, to make it seem like they wanted war.
The Empire was actually a Democracy! If you notice, during the counsel meeting, there are ambassadors for a lot of places. They voted on things, they weren't threatened at all.
The Rebels attacked unprovoked, all the time, and the Empire only attacked in the last movie (I think).
That's all I can think of, at the moment. This post will only grow.
A Little Break?
So, I was thinking. I have only two months of school life left. The exams are all approaching soon. And this result has quite an impact on deciding my future. So, maybe I should consider staying away from some things for a while-From Facebook to Youtube, and maybe Prose.
I mean, for almost a month, I was not able to finish a single post. And I don't think I really would be able to do that in the coming months too. So, maybe instead of attempting and failing in multitasking, again and again, I think I should focus on one task right now. And considering the current circumstances, the top priority should be learning, of course. So, this is almost like a short goodbye.
I mean, I would come back, of course. This place is now a part of my life. I am not leaving this place (At least not anytime soon. You see, life can be unpredictable ^-^). So, I might not be around here for a while. I might be busy devouring textbooks. So, I will miss you guys. But I will be back soon ^-^
PS: And the day I return, I am announcing my arrival by taking down this post, lol. It seems far too emotional for my type ^-^ So until someday halfway April, keep this place cheerful, won't ya ^-^
the tragedies in isolation
pain is when you're surrounded by feelings-
the sadness
the happiness
and every little
experience in between-
the memories,
close and distant,
drifting like feathers
on the wind
poised to land
on an empty ocean,
it's all there,
too little,
too much-
standing on the horizon, completely