Blinding Light
A blinding light has taken my sight
so now I can not see.
Whether good or bad I am not sad
then again never I can be.
Why should I care if I am not scared
if there is nothing to be feared.
I'm not alive, I am not dead but my vision's tinted red.
I don't remember where I came from, my memory is all but smeared.
Images race without a pace
across my mind's wide ocean.
Today I hope that I can cope
and resist this deadly potion.
A blinding light has taken my sight
so the pain, I do not see.
Dear Mr. Artist
Your work is quite a thing
Canvas smooth colors swirled
Fame it sure will bring
Dear Mrs. Singer
Your lyrics are quite clean
Notes so sweet calming beat
The loveliest I have seen
Dear Young Writer
Your dreams are quite your own
I wish the best to top the rest
And make your small name known
Now Dear to the Little Boy
Your world is quite a mystery
Be curious take flight never lose sight
One day I know you'll make history
Whether pencil or brush, key or pen
Let your mind flourish and joy it will send
1 2
1, 2, He's coming for you.
3, 4, Don't run anymore.
5, 6, He's crossed the Styx.
7, 8, You're too late.
9, 10, He's around the bend.
11, 12, The clock's hit twelve.
1, 2, He's got you.
3, 4, You're on the floor.
5, 6, He knows your tricks.
7, 8, He is Fate.
9, 10, You're soul, He will send.
11, 12, The clock's hit twelve.
Little Demon
Little Demon what are you looking at?
Are you proud of your work?
Seeing me bleed.
Cut up like pork.
Little Demon why are you smiling?
You know I have lost,
I suffer enough
My joy, I have tossed.
Little Demon what do you want?
Can I give you something more?
Perhaps my head.
Or my ripped apart gore.
Little Demon what is there left?
My life's already failed
You're job here is done
My eyes are impaled.
Little Demon I feel you breathing
Not much longer, my soul is leaving.
My Personal Hell
The most evil place is one I know well. Somewhere I have been forced to go against my will on multiple occasions. This place is where I can be in the best mood and as soon as I step foot in the place I fall to my knees. After I am forced to this place I go to my room and cower in fear. I pull the sheets close to me hoping the evils from that place won't find me again. This place is filled with terror; monstrosities lurk in every corner. It's pitch black and yet I know what seethes in the darkness. What's so evil about this place? No matter where I go, it follows close behind. Once I enter this place I run out bleeding or bruised.
The greatest horror regarding this place is it is in me. I know it well because it is my mind. I am forced to enter every time my emotions take over. I can be happy and suddenly contort into depression. I truly whimper every time my mind slips. My thoughts are the monsters living inside of me, sometimes I can't see them but I know they are prowling. I still contain scars and bruises left by the most evil place I've ever visited. My mind is a horror novel, the page is my body and my fist is the pen. I continue to beat the story into my skin.
Wake Up
His foggy white eyes dug into my own and I could feel my body begin to shut down as the man before me placed his rotten hand on my cheek. I was frozen in place, paralyzed with fear as the monstrosity before me inspected every inch of my being. His fingers danced across my face and down to my neck. Each boney appendage caused an intense burning sensation as if matches were being placed on my throat. As soon as his other hand came up to join its pair, I knew my life would be over. Any second now the hands would tighten and squeeze the life out of me. Then I woke up.
These dreams have been occurring every night since I can remember. They’re never the same except for one detail, the man. This goliath of a person looming over me with his white opaque eyes always tormented me. I have never been able to see anything other than his eyes but that was all I needed to see to know it was more terrifying than the Devil himself. As always, my bed was soaked from me contorting all night. My sheets were tossed to the floor of my small bedroom. I got up and put the covers back on my bed so that my mom didn’t have to. I looked at the dim light of my alarm clock and saw it was only three in the morning. Knowing I would never be able to go back to sleep I crept downstairs to the kitchen. I stopped at the refrigerator realizing that I was starving. I opened the door and what I saw was almost as terrifying as my dream. Inside the fridge was nothing except healthy foods that only an overly self-conscious person such as my mom would eat. I managed to discover a single chocolate bar and snagged it from the shelf. I closed the door and started making my way back upstairs. Suddenly I heard groaning coming from my mom’s room. The light was off but I decided to crack the door open to check on her. I peeked inside and saw the silhouette of someone standing over the bed. I flicked the lights on and looming over my mother was the man from my dreams. He turned around granting me the first ever view I had of his whole person. He was wearing a black trench coat that skimmed the floor. His milky eyes were grotesquely complimented by a mutilated face. There was more skin missing from the man’s face than what was still present. His lips were split open revealing a demonic grin showing off his wondrous rows of shark teeth. I could see black hair coming out from underneath his tattered hat. The beastly man charged at me, mouth open wide and plunged his fangs into my neck. Blood strew down his chin as he feasted on my flesh. Then I woke up.
Pain erupted in my chest as I sat up. My head was heavy and my vision hazy but I still felt safe. As long as I was away from that monster I was fine. I tried to see my room but my eyes wouldn’t give me that satisfaction instead I could only see blurs of grey and white. I went to rub my eyes when I finally realized why I couldn’t see. I felt something cold and sticky on my eyes. I went to wipe it off but had no success. I fell back down and reached for my covers of my bed. Suddenly, my eyes began burning! Searing heat scorched my face and I writhed about in agony. I eventually fell off my bed, slamming my head against my dresser and everything went black. When I came to I realized I could finally see again, although I wish I hadn’t. The first image to welcome me was that of my filleted mother. I stared, frozen in terror at the wondrous horror before me. My mom was suspended by the fan over my bed by what was some type of artery coming from her slit throat. Blood trickled out of every cut, and there were plenty all over her. Possibly the most terrifying part of the sight was her mouth. It was forced into a smile by hooks at the corners of her lips. Her fingers ripped off and hands contorted to being upside down. I just barely managed to move myself away from my hung mother and instead I saw the true nightmare standing at my door. I was confused as to why he was smiling at me until he flipped a switch causing my fan to spin. Gore flew across the room and all I could hear was the monster laughing his distorted laugh. Then I woke up.
Ring ring. Ring ring. The familiar sound of video chat woke me up. I struggled out of my sheets and lumbered over to my desk across the room. Plopping down in my chair I opened up my laptop to a screen with inviting me to talk with my girlfriend. I accepted the call and her face appeared on the screen. We talked for what had to have been hours. Then out of nowhere the video lost connection. When it came back I was looking at my girlfriend’s room only the lights were off and she was nowhere to be seen. I called for her again and again with no answer. Then again, the video cut off. I stared at the lost connection image until the laptop screen was taken over with static. Black and white littered my sight. As I watched something unexpected occurred. At first I thought it was my tired mind playing tricks on me. Through the static I saw the same image of my girlfriend’s darkened room except I swore I could see something in the corner. I decided that it wasn’t worth worrying about and I started to close the computer but a monstrous growl caught my attention. I reopened my computer and looked at the screen that granted me a horrific image. My demonic stalker was standing behind my girlfriend with his gnarled fingers draped over her shoulders. With a haunting grin he lowered his hands to her chest and dug his nails into her skin. Blood began oozing out of my girlfriend as the man submerged his hands into her. Finally once he was elbow deep I saw him rip his arms outward and split my girlfriend in half. Intestines flew across the room and all that was left on screen was the man staring creepily into the camera. He stepped forward towards the computer and reached out. He placed his hand on the screen as if he were trying to hold my own hand and again he stared at me with his lifeless eyes gifting me with his nightmare-inducing smile. Silence filled the room. The only sounds were my heart slamming in my chest and the blood of my girlfriend dripping of her bedroom walls. Just then the monster let out a blood curdling scream. I clenched my head in pain as blood trickled out my ears. Right before I thought my head was going to actually explode I blacked out. Then I woke up.
A strong gust of wind woke me up. I opened my eyes and was surrounded by darkness. After a few minutes of adjusting I realized I wasn’t in my room. In fact, I wasn’t even in my house; I was outside in the front yard of my neighbor’s house. I looked around and noticed that not even the streetlamps were on. I walked over to the road and began walking towards my own home. The longer I walked the farther my house seemed to be. I tried to run but it felt as if I were running in tar. From the darkness I heard a sound that should come from a blood-thirsty animal, a growl so low that it began to make my body vibrate. I stood motionless hoping whatever made that sound wouldn’t see me in the dark. I looked towards the woods that encased my neighborhood and I swore I saw silver eyes gleaming in the dark. I waited patiently for another couple minutes until I heard the sound again. Only this time the growl was joined with a terrifying scream that must’ve come from a person. Not wanting to be the next source of the screaming, I began sprinting as fast as the tar-like road would let me go. I made it to my own driveway before looking back to see what was causing the noises. It would have been better had I just gone inside… bolting towards me was a giant of a man. He couldn’t have been any shorter than seven feet tall. Garbed in all black with a black hat, the monstrous man was within arm’s reach before I had time to turn to my door. He picked me up and threw my body to the cement ground. Aching and bloody I picked up my head just to see my attacker grabbed my leg and drug me back to the road. Once there he stomped on my back, pinning me to the ground. The man then whistled out into the night and waited and waited and waited. Finally the growl from before returned. Only this time a gargantuan wolf emerged from the woods. It bounded towards us with pearly white fangs glistening in the moonlight. Its silver eyes pierced into my soul as it replaced the man’s foot with his claw. I could feel the giant paw ripping through my clothes. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to sound of the monster tearing my flesh.
Then he woke up. The monstrous being watched as the boy shot up from his bed. Silently the boogie man observed the boy’s frantic search around his room. After all this time the boogie man still couldn’t bring itself to killing the boy. It wasn’t that it felt mercy for the poor sap. No, it was just much too fun to torment him. The blood curdling screams of children were music to the boogie man’s ears. The boogie man continued to watch the boy as he sat in bed terrified of whether or not he was still dreaming. The boogie man smirked and let out a deep unsettling chuckle as it watched its prey rock back and forth in concern. The boy experienced unrelenting pain at the merciless hands of the boogie man. Why him? What did the boy do to deserve such insanity inflicting evils? Absolutely nothing, the boy simply went to bed. Next time you lie down to go to sleep. Check your closet, check your bed. Pray to the angels, your soul to keep. For if not then He, will have you dead.
Then I fell asleep.