Lost Spark
What do you do when things go right,
But the right people to celebrate with,
Are no longer in your life?
You’re carried in my heart,
Honored in my work.
But the fact that you would be the happiest,
Still highlights.
How sometimes life loses a spark.
A light we can no longer see,
But have to remember is part of the sky.
Swimming Through Grief.
As humans we find comfort and solace,
In simple presence.
You’re at home and the motions of a day,
Go by with an invisible attendance.
We share connections,
No matter the distance.
We sometimes communicate,
To each in their own ways.
Life goes on they say,
After comfort cracks and paves.
Life is suddenly halted,
When we lose the presence.
A connection,
An avenue of expression.
Lost communication,
Plunges us into a shocked state.
Grief no longer comes in stages.
But we learn to swim,
Even if the water is cold.
It’s true that the tides go on,
And so, life does go on,
Just in different ways.
While grief is hard and swimming in a sea of pain,
Can seem like an endless dark end.
I want you to know that it isn’t the time people say,
That helps bring light in.
It’s the realization that grief is still love,
And that the weight is not a weight.
The lumps we hold inside can walk with us in life.
As humans while we find comfort and solace,
I hope we let grief flow,
For it is love that needs to go, somewhere.
Back into our lives, an invisible attendance.
Right by your side, with no distance.
A presence that will never be forgotten.
In Loving Memory
The seeds of my growth
Are rooted in your memory.
Your flowering words of motivation,
Still pick me up till I stand strong.
Your love was the spade,
Digging me out of the misery.
Hoed, the only fruit of happiness that I craved,
But now you are gone.
I water down these thoughts,
But I will not shatter but be hardy.
A Good Writer.
I’ve always thought that good and bad are generally based off perception or our learning and environmental factors. When it comes to writing though, I might begin to argue that anyone can write, and things like art and writing all can be judged from different viewpoints. That’s what I like about poetry - the endless interpretations and such a great way of expression.
But I do see the point of a “good writing” - I consider whether it matters would depend on personal values too though. As a mental health advocate or youth blogger, I’ve always tried to pick up my pen and used writing as a medium for creating change - raising awareness. Sharing personal experiences empowers yourself and others. On the other hand, on a personal note, a good writer is also honest and knows whether they are fulfilling the purpose they intended the writing to be for. That can be a simple vent, or a personal reflection too. Up to the writer to share it or not.
Social media changes things. I personally do not find meaning in some brief words put together for aesthetics, even though they may be “popular”.
To me, writing has a purpose. It is powerful. And as long as it’s fulfilling something, whether personal or not, it is good. And popularity does not matter. Your words can change someone’s thoughts or let them know they are not alone, and that itself is a win. Whether they “like” “comment” or not, you have written it down and so it’s probably worth it!
#reflection #writing
Social Media.
Hi everyone!
It is with a bemused bewilderment that I announce that I have attempted writing on another platform (eek: Social Media!!) - Instagram. I continue to write poetry and advocate the things I am passionate for over there. If interested, the username is; @ayeshatariqali_writes
#socialmedia #instagram #introductions #newbie
A Little About Me.
Hi everyone! Don't really know if I count as a newbie anymore but here is a little about me anyways:
I'm currently an undergraduate student acquiring my bachelors (honors) degree in Applied Psychology, I aim to become a clinical psychologist. I am currently in my third semester, second year out of a total of four. I am working hard to keep up my 4/4 GPA.
My interests naturally include psychology, and I have always been one to observe and understand those around me.
Alongside that, I am passionate about #YouthPower, I believe you are never too young (or old) to bring about change. I blog via UNICEF's Voices of Youth platform, and through sites like Prose and other mediums, I know that the power of words is never exhaustive.
Writing has always been a somewhat talent and hobby for me, I have won several achievements in relation to this too. In the recent years, I have found not only a talent but a comfort in poetry, I find myself jotting down poetry for any topic, in shocking speed.
On the other hand, I am a huge bookworm. I have read over 170 books this year already! I am recently interested in detective/mystery works.
These days, apart from the heavy workload from university, I spend a major part of my time volunteering at 7 Cups, where alongside the role of a verified, trained active listener, I am a part of various leadership roles. I love supporting not only individual members, but also enjoy writing and conducting group support discussions or activities.
In a nutshell, I would say that I am a creative person, I might seem energetic to others but am in fact battling some health obstacles such as autoimmune conditions which as invisible illnesses, are often overlooked. I am very interested in change: whether it be in myself, in others, over the globe - every small stone is worth marking!
"My country is the world, and to do good is my religion" - Thomas Paine
Nice to meet you all!