affair with words
A prelude to the ghosts of word
I'm an ocean oscillating
sitting in a Thai take out place
Spice infused the big FEELING rippling through my veins, explode out my chest with cumin
All the waters of me in attempts to confine press wicked against their own death, flooding to turn a void into an occupied deluge.
Some have a fling with words sporadic out of lust...
inflamed in temporary heat until the sweet and self serving release undoes them-
Mine's a love affair ethereal and engulfing...
indugled in privatized entanglement complete with rawness, newness, numbness and endless seas on fire …across all time and galaxies hung silent in my eyes.
Wore my comfy clothes to sit and wait for sustenance, so please do not disturb.
I am an event in process
in constance… situated between a pick up counter and someones loud breathing...and they have no idea about this wild ride I'm on.
My words are finite just as each letter begins and ends with the mouth of a pen- gives life to a word and ends its purpose with a graceful but heinous withdrawal from the page.
I will end not the words but the fiber that breathed life into them.
As I nauseously sit in my waters.
Holding an Ocean within my small frame is imploding...
Each drop on fire.
It's thunder in my throat.
It's lightening in my teeth
Walls around me closing in
I'm crumbling.
I am not made for love stories